Match highlights for SLOVAKIA:1 Vs 2:UKRAINE.

The MATCHDAY goes down with an over 31, 500 audience of both Spain and Italy supporters.
• Trace Slovakia. 1
• shavarenko 1. Ukraine.
Head to head Performance
Well, the Ukrainian hold a great 2 wins against the Slovakians who held a 1 at the group plan. With Slovakians holding 1:2 loss to the Ukrainian team who hold a 2  win goal game, on the other side Ukrainians hold a 2:1 win game over the  goal bar of the current losers.

Analysis  at Ukraine.
Ukraine's  Shavarenko hold a 1 win game against in a two goal match catalogue of the matchday, holding more wins against Slovakia, who hóld loss in the two game teams.

Analysis  at Slovakia.
Slovakia's Trace  took a 1 win game against in a one goal match catalogue of the matchday, holding less wins against Ukraine, who hóld win in the two game teams.

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General Player stats.
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Business & Copeeate Enterprise.
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